Genome Generation
Working in close partnership with the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, we developed ‘Genome Generation’, a facilitated card-based discussion game, designed to encourage dialogue about the social and ethical issues associated with genetic and genomic science.
Genome Generation consists of nine sets of cards, each containing a Story card, which is based on a different scenario related to genetic testing, and a set of associated Info and Issue cards. The scenarios are usually centred around a character with a genomics-related dilemma.
Participants work in small groups to discuss and explore their views on genome sequencing and the numerous personal and societal issues arising. The session is intended to engage people with advances in genomics research, and to prepare them for some of the difficult decisions they may face within their own lifetime. The session can be run with a variety of audiences – from adult and school groups with no scientific background, through to academic researchers.
We developed the resources through two phases of testing with potential audiences. The project will be rolled out, across the Genome Campus, by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute during 2012. The resources will then be made available for use with schools or public groups.