STEM Ambassador Extension Training
Through support from STEMNET, Graphic Science developed STEM Ambassador Extension Training and delivered sessions to over 400 volunteer STEM Ambassadors from Edinburgh to Exeter.
Graphic Science worked with STEMNET to deliver more than 25 training sessions to STEM Ambassadors around the country. The training was developed to support STEM Ambassadors who wish to play a more active role in inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers.
The two-hour sessions were designed to help STEM Ambassadors to:
- increase their confidence in presenting in front of different audiences
- develop their own STEM Ambassador activities and adapt them appropriately
- share ideas and experiences with other STEM Ambassadors through informal mentoring
It was great to meet so many Ambassadors. Now, the training has been handed over to the local STEM Ambassador contract holders and we hope that it will continue to be used to inspire their volunteers to create exciting new STEM activities for their schools.