Supporting the Engineering Diploma
In addition to the training we give to all STEM Ambassadors under the STEMNET contract, we provide on-going support to our STEM Ambassadors through one to one mentoring, guidance to develop activities, networking opportunities and buddying with more experienced Ambassadors.
From time to time, this includes developing specialist training to help Ambassadors support developing areas of the curriculum or other areas of increased school need.
For example, in 2009 we received funding from the Royal Academy of Engineering to design a bespoke training course, along with a set of specially devised classroom activities, for engineers across the South West who wished to support the delivery of the 14-19 Engineering Diplomas in schools.
The project entailed
- Designing a training course that provided engineers with the skills to support the delivery of the 14-19 Engineering Diplomas
- Delivering this training course to a range of STEM Ambassadors across the South West
- Developing resources and activities for engineers to use in schools
- Working with schools to provide opportunities for these engineers to develop their skills through working with students studying the 14-19 Engineering Diploma
More recent curriculum changes and significantly reduced government support have meant that fewer schools now offer the 14-19 Engineering Diploma. However, the engineers who took part in the training continue to support schools with the activities they developed.